




The theme of this year’s poster design competition is Greater Love: The Beauty in the Indigenous.
Greater Love responds to the concept of mutual respect among all cultures. The Beauty in the Indigenous represents the wish that everyone jointly thinks about what indigenous culture, no matter now or in the future, looks like. Is it possible to preserve it in its original form? It also refers to “harmony.” It is hoped that all ethnic groups in Taiwan cooperate with and accept one another, as well as practice empathy. This museum’s establishment was based on the concept of everyone working together to protect Taiwan’s culture.



■ 時程 Competition Schedule

  • 收件日期:2023年4月30日 (週日) ~ 2023年6月30日 (週五)台北時間23:59截止(官網線上收件)
    Submission Period: April 30, 2023 – June 30, 2023, 23:59 TST
  • 初選評審日期:202377日(週五)-11日(週二)
    Preliminary Selection: July 7 – 11, 2023
  • 總決選評審日期:2023年7月21日(週五)-25日(週二)
    Final Selection: July 21 - 25, 2023
  • 入圍名單公告: 2023年8月5日 (週六)台北時間12:00於主辦單位官網公告入圍名單
    Candidate Announcement: August 5, 2023, 12:00 TST on the official website
  • 頒獎典禮暨成果展日期:2023年9月30日(週六)
    Awards Ceremony: September 30, 2023
  • 成果展日期:2023年10月1日(週日)~2023年12月31日(週日)
    Exhibition Date: October 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023



  • 金獎1名:獎金三萬元、獎座一座、獎狀乙紙
    Gold Award: NT$30,000, a trophy and a certificate
  • 銀獎2名:獎金一萬元、獎座一座、獎狀乙紙
    Silver Award: NT$10,000, a trophy and a certificate
  • 銅獎3名:獎金五千元、獎座一座、獎狀乙紙
    Bronze Award: NT$5,000, a trophy and a certificate
  • 原住民特別獎1名:獎金五千元、獎狀乙紙
    Special Award of Formosan Indigenous People: NT$5,000 and a certificate
  • 客家文化發展中心特別獎1名:獎金五千元、獎狀乙紙
    Special Award of Taiwan Hakka Culture Development Center: NT$5,000 and a certificate
  • 天河教育基金會特別獎1名:獎金五千元、獎狀乙紙
    Special Award of Silver Silk Education Foundation: T$5,000 and a certificate
  • 中興惠蓀特別獎1名:獎品乙份、獎狀乙紙
    Special Award of TPDA: a prize and a certificate
  • 台灣海報設計協會特別獎2名:獎品乙份、獎狀乙紙
    Special Award of NCHU Huisun: a prize and a certificate
  • 評審特別獎(數名):獎狀乙紙
    Special Jury Award: a certificate
  • 優選(數名):優選證書乙紙
    Award of Excellence: a certificate
  • 佳作(數名):佳作證書乙紙
    Merit Award: a certificate
  • 入選(數名): 入選證書乙紙
    Nominee: a certificate

※All nominees will get the catalogue of the competition. All advisers of students will be awarded a certificate of appreciation.



Organizer: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, Taiwan Biennial of Indigenous Poster Design

Advisors: Ministry of Culture, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Hakka Affairs Council

Co-organizer: Hakka Culture Development Center, Hakka Affairs Council, Taiwan Poster Design Association (TPDA), National Chung Hsing University

Sponsor: Silver Silk Education Foundation


活動聯絡資訊 Contact

電話 Phone:(022841-2611 分機128蔣先生、129小姐

                               Ext. 128 Mr. Jiang, Ext. Ms. Jian

傳真 FAX:(022841-2615

E-mail[email protected] 

活動粉絲頁 official competition Facebook fan page

臉書搜尋「山海的大愛」Facebook Search「Greater Love」